Monday, September 13, 2010

New Pussy

Well on Sat, my girlfriend and I went to a fund raiser for her aunt at a bar in Ft. Ann, NY. We had some beers, some good food and by the end of the night, we adopted an abandoned kitten. So the story goes, someone dropped off 8 kittens to the bar and the owners had been taking care of them. While in their care, some of the kittens kept trying to wander off into the woods, where they had to keep going out and rounding them up so they wouldn't get eaten by anything. Seven of them had gotten adopted out and at the fund raiser there was this pathetic looking lil black kitten left behind that lived under a shed. So we decided to take the little runt home. What were we gonna do, leave her to fight for scraps and live under a shed in the fall? We gave her a bath that night and she seemed pretty clean. She had a ratty old flea collar on, and to our surprise she didn't seem to have fleas....until this evening when Danielle found one or two. That number just blew up after we had put front line on her. Tonight has been dedicated to following this little turd around and picking up dying fleas that have fallen to the floor around her. Well by this point you're probably bored with reading my poor story telling skills, so I'll drop some images for you to see the monster. By the way, she's a pain in the ass to photograph (as sad as that is for me to say haha)

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